Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Case for Obama

The charges are familiar: He's a compromiser who hasn't stood up to the GOP or Wall Street. But a look at his record reveals something even more startling — a truly historic presidency
Rolling Stone

The following is an article from the October 28, 2010 issue of Rolling Stone.

For many progressives, the presidency of Barack Obama has been deeply disappointing. To hear some prominent lefties tell it, the New Jesus of the campaign trail has morphed into the New Judas of the Oval Office. "He loves to buckle," MSNBC host Cenk Uygur declared in a July segment called "Losing the Left." "Obama's not going to give us real change — he's going to give us pocket change and hang a 'Mission Accomplished' banner."

Read more HERE.


  1. He ain't all that anyways. Not even really black, he mixed. Don't count so = He is just some foreigner.
