Friday, September 23, 2011

Eurozone endgame: all that is solid melts into air

By Jérôme E. Roos 
September 24, 2011

With Greece on the verge of default, Italy sucked into the storm, and French banks drawing ever closer to collapse, the euro has finally reached its endgame.

Post image for Eurozone endgame: all that is solid melts into air

All that is solid melts into air. What we are experiencing at present will define our era for centuries to come. Precisely ten years after the final collapse of the Soviet Union and the demise of state communism, we are now approaching the endgame for the European Union and the potential demise of European capitalism. The train of economic integration has come grinding to a halt. These are tectonic shifts in world history. But our leaders seem largely oblivious to it.

In many ways, this year has already made its mark upon history: 2011 is the year of revolution, war and crisis; of terror, truth and disaster; of revenge, revolts and riots. But, as we predicted in an article back in December 2010, it might yet be remembered as the year of collapse. None of the underlying causes of the enduring global financial crisis have been addressed. Indeed, the chosen policy response — draconian austerity measures — has only made matters worse.

Read more HERE.

1 comment:

  1. One could speculate that the destruction of the Euro might be "encouraged" as a plus for the almighty American dollar and destruction of the EU a plus for the American empire. That will come back to haunt as while the last millennium belonged to Europe, the next one belongs to China, the only unified economy and currency capable of challenging American hegemony.
