Friday, February 5, 2010

Saskatchewan Transportation Company

Established in 1946

Created by an order-in-council on April 1, 1946, the provincial government of premier T.C. "Tommy" Douglas established a crown corporation called the "Saskatchewan Transportation Company". It was mandated to provide bus services between major centres and to as much of the dispersed rural population as possible in a fiscally responsible manner.

Photograph courtesy of Alex Regiec
History of Intercity Buses

ATU Local 1374

1 comment:

  1. A very good post - and the photo of the old STC bus brings back memories. Considering that private bus companies were unwilling to serve more remote areas and wanted only the 'profitable' routes along the major highways, Saskatchewan did as it always did, used progressive social innovation to provide essential services to the people of the province.

    I find it quite humorous that the Brad Wall government would love to either privatize or simply kill STC, however, their base rural support will hear nothing of such idiocy.

    Saskatchewan's Transportation Company has been a benefit to hundreds of community and hundreds of thousands of our citizens!

    Again, great post!
